Raúl Tabarés-Gutiérrez


comprises an area of expertise that combines Digital Skills, Social Media, Social Innovation and Social Studies of Science & Technology.

Raúl achieved his PhD after writing a Doctoral Thesis that mapped out how Web 2.0 phenomenon has influenced the technological development of HTML5 web standards. He also obtained a Master in Social Studies of Science & Technology (University of Salamanca, 2008) and he is graduated in Humanities (University of Salamanca, 2005) and in Tourism too (University of Cantabria, 2003).

He has contributed to developing several strategies to foster the embracement of Web 2.0 technologies and skills across TECNALIA. He has taken part in several RTD projects in these topics, mainly at European level (especially H2020, Erasmus+ and Interreg framework programmes). Nowadays, his research is tightly related with the maker movement and DIY culture.


last update: October 2016

Articles published on IXD&A: 


Approaching maker´s phenomenon, N. 30, pp. 19 - 29, abstractdownload

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